Letters From Local People Pre-War of 1812

    The writing, spelling and grammar are sometimes unclear in the original letters so a few words here represent our best guesses. Names referred to in the letters are in italics for genealogists.

June 3, 1797 A report of the arrival of the first 37 settlers in Hamilton township. Elias Jones, Smith.

October 25, 1807 A request by Robert Wilkins concerning a lot on Carrying Place. Robert Wilkins, Abraham Cearley, Mrs. Cearley, Thomas Ridout, E. Smith, Samuel Mallery, Ward.

May 26, 1808 Grants in Hope township. Mary Ross, Donald McLean, John Dunn, John Small, Chewitt, Ridout, 

January 4, 1810 Richard Cockrill requests a reserve lot close to the school house and switch the reserve to the 10th concession. Richard Cockrill, Chervith?

December 24, 1810  Request for U.E. land from: William Simson senior, William Simson junior, and Thomas Simson written by D.M. Rogers

August 13, 1811 Surveyor's letter, many unclear parts. Aaron Greeley, Birmingham

August 30, 1811 Placement of road allowances along concessions in Haldimand and Cramahe townships. Burnham, Thomas Ridout

September 7, 1811 Letter from Aaron Greeley in Washington, D.C. to his wife, Margaret. Aaron Greeley, Margaret Greeley, Abbot, Moran, Blake, Harvey.

October 6, 1811 Letter concerning a lot and social relations. Robert Wilkins, Mrs. Ridout, Clapp, McElain.

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