Head Quarters, Kingston, 24th January 1814


It is the orders of His Honour the president and Lieutenant General commanding, that you assemble one captain, one sergeant, and twenty rank and file of the regiment under your command with as little delay as possible, to assist on the public works at this place. The officer commanding them will report their arrival here to Captain Marlon of the Royal Engineers under whose direction they will be stationed at Point Henry where every accommodation will be provided against their arrival. Their party will be relieved monthly by a similar one, excluding the days which they may be traveling, but for which likewise they will be paid. You will report the name of any man who may refuse or neglect to obey this order to the office of the adjutant general. The party not to be armed.

Lieutenant-Colonel Peters Northumberland Regiment

By order,

A.S. (Aeneas Shaw)

Copy to:

Lieutenant-Colonel Peters Northumberland 1 Captain with 20

Colonel Ferguson Hastings 1 Sub, 1 Sergeant with 10

Colonel NcDonell Prince Edward 1 Lieutenant with 20

Colonel Johnston Addington 1 Sergeant with 10

Colonel Thompson Lennox 1 Sub with 10

Colonel Carlwrighly 1 Sergeant with 10


Dated 24th January 1814 (Entered Page 149)

A. Shaw

Source: National Archives RG 9C1-B-1 Northumberland 1814

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