Kingston, December 22nd 1814


There are three American deserters living within the District of Newcastle, two of them in Haldimand, one by the name of Bennett at the Marsh’s, commonly called Igis? Marsh, the other by the name of Davis, at James? Browns, Tavern Keeper; the third by the name of Hopkins with M. Nickerson in Cramahe; they may have changed their places of abode, but wherever they may be if within your District, I am directed to order that you cause them to be apprehended and sent under a guard to Kingston. If they should have left your district you will endeavour to ascertain where they have gone; and report the same.

I have the honour to be Sir, your most obedient servant.

N. Coffin

P.S. Please acknowledge the receipt of this letter. I have never been informed whether you received 80 stands English muskets, 80 bayonets with scabbards, 80 cartouche boxes with belts and frogs, 3000 musket ball cartridges, and 400 flints, I sent to you in charge of Ensign Meyers of the Northumberland Militia on the 21st September last.

Copy to Col. Peters, December 22, 1814

Respecting American deserters in Haldimand

Entered G.O. book page 224

Source: National Archives RG 9C1-B-1 Northumberland 1814

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